1:1 Coaching

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to Transform Your Life from Unsure to Empowered

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Here’s the thing, I know you’re tired of feeling

❌“Can't get it together” feelings

❌Difficulty prioritizing and lack of accountability

❌Negative self-talk

❌Lack of balance (working too hard, not enough time for self, etc.)

❌Lack of confidence in all aspects of life

❌Lack of empowerment

❌Lack of discipline & direction

❌Unsure of where to start/how to succeed in business/professional life

❌Uncomfortable with sales process


I’ll guide you to become more confident and empowered in your life & step into your power by:

🧿Deep diving into your current mindset

🧿Taking action to begin shifting your mindset, by starting with the gratitude and implementation of the Daily Love Gratitude Journal as well as 24/7 Voxer support from me

🧿Reprioritize items in your life to ensure you’re being as protective over your time as you are with your energy

🧿Set goals (+ establish plan for direction)

🧿Establish a strong foundation for your business (finances, setting up your business, legal, program planning, web design, branding, and more)

🧿Helping “Get it together” with the Daily Virtue Journal to track your daily habits for the duration we work together.

🧿Walk through the sales process (confidence + comfort + effectiveness) so you can become confident in your professional life

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Here’s the thing, when you’re not worried about trying to do everything in your life, you make space for energy and time to be the person you’ve been wanting to be. I have just the solution for you.



You need an accountability partner, and that’s what I’m here to do - guide you to become the version of yourself you desire to be. The empowered life that you’ve been wanting to live, that’s possible, and I want you to know that. I’ve designed tools to help you find balance and success in your life through physical wellness, spirituality and business. So take my hand, and here’s what you can expect when you work with me…


✨Coaching Information✨

Duration: 6 Months

Call Breakdown:

1 Initial On-boarding Call [understanding your current state, overall goals of us working together for the next six months, expectations]

26 Weekly Zoom Calls (alternating between business & fitness coaching)

✨Tools for Success ✨

📲Custom Workout + Nutrition Program so you can perform at your best mentally & physically

📲Booty By Cass app access to house all fitness-related progress & programs in one place

📲Fitness, Business, and Mindset Resources & Tools

📲Unlimited Email & Voxer Support (aka access to me anytime)

✨You’ll walk away with… ✨

✅Clarity in how to organize your program visions & bring them to life

✅A website up and running for your business

✅Back-End tools established so you can easily run & grow your business

✅Your business set up financially & legally (with references for services such as accounting, contracts, etc.)

This 1:1 program is intense, as I work with you thoroughly to provide the results you are looking for. Because of this, limited spots are available to ensure I can give you my undivided attention, care, and guidance. Please complete the application and I will be in touch with you shortly to set up a clarity call. If this program is not a perfect fit, I will reach out to get you connected to the best option for your success. Thank you!


Payment Plans Available


Not sure if this program is for you?

Check out the list below to see if you’re the perfect fit! 


This program is for the woman who is…

✨Ready to set the bullshit aside & get it together in her life

✨Ready to face her fears/demons/limiting beliefs and MAKE A CHANGE

✨Ready to do whatever it takes to undergo the transformation she seeks

✨Done being stuck in her current state

✨Tired of feeling out of balance all the time

✨Ready to take care of herself/tired of taking care of others but never taken care of

✨Ready to get her business and professional life off the ground

✨Ready to become the best version of herself internally/externally

✨Tired of not being confident and timid, and ready to step into her power

✨Ready to become healthy in all facets of her life

✨Ready for success in her business

✨Wanting something bigger, and to live a life unlimited by anything or anyone, including herself


This program is NOT for the woman who…

✘ Is comfortable with where she is in life

✘ Isn't ready to put in the work to undergo the transformation she seeks

✘ Is afraid of and unwilling to change

✘ Can't handle truth

✘ Doesn't like to be called out on her bullshit

✘ Is in denial about her life

So, who are you? Better yet, who do you want to be?

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There is too much money to be made, too much joy to live in, and too much life to live to not be your authentic self, find balance in your life for all those things you want to do. You don’t have to be stuck in a quarantine to do the things you’ve been wanting to do (been there, done that!). So why would you choose to be anything short of who you are? The world needs your authenticity, and you need to know the power you hold to attract and create the life you desire.

I specialize in the areas of discipline and prioritization; together we will come up with a structured plan for you to have it all - really - so you are healthy in mind, body, and spirit; so you can get your business off the ground; so you can take off in your professional career; so you can achieve the fitness goals you’ve been wanting to achieve. It is possible to be the full package, and I know you are already it, so let’s help you step into your power and live that reality to its fullest potential.

I can tell you from experience, living a life out of fear is not a fun one. Living a life where you wonder if you’ll “ever get to ____” is not a fun one. And to be scared to do things alone is one of the most disempowering feelings, ever. I’ll show you that you are truly capable of anything you put your mind to, and that the Universe and I have your back, if you believe.

I used to be timid, have a low self-esteem, and have 0 confidence. That changed when I found weightlifting and bodybuilding in the gym. The gym may not be where you find your confidence, but it’s not about where you find your confidence, it’s about the fact that you do. When this confidence changed my life, I knew I had to find a way to help other women who were just like me discover it too, because life is too short not to feel like a badass.

My goal in working with you is not to change you, oh no, it’s to bring out that powerful inner goddess that you are, so you can see your strength and confidence to live your life to the fullest.


Are you ready to transform your life & step into your power?


 The doors to your dream life are waiting to be opened…

My Signature 4 Pillars of Empowerment Serve Specific Purposes:

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Business & Professional

Whether you’re getting ready to graduate from college or longing to leave the 9-5 and launch your business, establishing a rock-solid relationship with your work (and passion for it), will help you design the life you desire to live. I use my Business Management degree to help you with your professional life - whether that’s laying the strong foundation for your business, or creating a resume that grabs the attention of your dream company.


Physical Wellness

Physical wellness goes far beyond your physical body - it impacts your mental health too. As a NASM certified personal trainer, I’ll help you achieve your health and fitness goals with my experience as an athlete and personal trainer. When your body feels good, so does your brain; not to mention the physical results - whether that’s losing fat, building muscle, or improving overall health and fitness.



Life is so much easier, when you have tools to rely on getting you aligned with yourself. However, the Mindset Pillar is designed to help you find calm in the day-to-day through meditations and affirmations. So in the moments where you feel overwhelmed, you have the tools to refocus into a safe space within yourself, or express gratitude and manifest the things you desire into your life, and completely shift your mindset in a way that serves you rather than limits you.



Life is no fun when it’s all work, or all play, or all binge-eating, or all exercise, or all _____ (you name it). Finding balance is important because it allows you to take back your precious time and energy, so you can make the time to do the things that are important to you. We focus on prioritizing what’s important to you, and implement discipline and accountability so you show up for yourself, and design a life that is fulfilling and empowering.


When you invest in yourself, you’re investing in women around the world too

 I am an empowerment coach because I believe that women have the power to change the world through education and choice. I want to do my part by providing as many tools and resources for women to live as successfully and freely as possible. When you work with me, a portion of your payment will go to your choice of either the Malala Fund or Girl Rising organizations to help give back to girls around the world so they have access to education too.

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+ Who is 1:1 Coaching for?

1:1 Coaching is for the woman who is ready to hold herself accountable. You are the woman who is ready to make the shift, take control of your life, and step into the power you know you were born with. You are ready to change your habits to incorporate more balanc e into your life so that you can actually do the things you love, and enjoy each day as it should be enjoyed, while achieving goals you have set for yourself to accomplish. You're ready to get called out on your bullshit, to wake up every morning and not only acknowledge that you have a choice in how you live your life, but to make the decisions that will serve your highest good and reflect the person that you desire to be. You also acknowledge that you can't do this alone, which is where I come in. I coach you by serving as the guide that I wish I had - both in the moments to call you out on your bullshit, AND remind you that you've got this, that you are capable, and that just by showing up, you've accomplished half the battle.

+ Who is this program not for?

If you are 100% content with your life - who & where you are, how you live your life, and you have no interest in changing, this is not the program for you. 1:1 coaching is not for the woman who isn't willing to commit to herself and her success, and certainly not for the woman looking for fast results. A complete mindset shift will take time, energy, and a lot of deep reflecting. If you are not ready to face your deepest self and more importantly, choose to shift your mindset, this program is not for you. It will be hard, and there will be times where you just think "I can't do it" or "I don't want to do it" but you are not willing to commit to yourself and push through those trying moments by showing up to do what you know needs to be done, I can tell you this program will not be for you.

+ What if I signed up and find that it isn't for me?

1:1 coaching intense, therefore it is not for the woman who isn't ready to commit and go all in. This program is a 3-month commitment and no refunds will be issued. If you are unable to make a payment by the due date, please contact me at least 48 hours before the payment date so we can come up with a customized solution. I pride myself on providing an exceptional experience for my clients, do not hesitate to reach out to contact me.

+ Can you make any guarantees?

My 1:1 coaching program is the step-by-step process through which I guide my clients, that are tried and true through my own personal experience. While I pride myself on the transformations that I have facilitated for my clientele, these transformations are 99% their work. As with any program, your effort will dictate the results that you see. While I cannot make any guarantees, as long as you give this program your complete 100%, you will see and feel yourself transforming after the first few sessions.

+ What if I can't make the coaching sessions live?

This 1:1 program is completely customized for you. Live calls are required in order for you to see the results that you are looking for. For this reason, we will schedule our calls at times that are most convenient for you, when you can find the time and space to be completely present to absorb the information from our calls.

+ Will I have homework?

Absolutely! When it comes to facilitating a massive shift and transformation, it would be extremely difficult to see results by just meeting once in a week. For that reason you will have homework, usually reading, and a lot of journaling and reflecting. This is absoutely necessary for you to deep dive within and dissect who you are, why you are the way you are, and where shifts need to be made. The homework is fun - it may be hard once in awhile, especially if you come across epiphanies or acknowledgements about yourself that make you uncomfortable (and don't be afraid, I've had to do this too!), but it will be enjoyable too when you read that the life you desire is truly in your own hands, you just have to grasp it!

+ How long is the program?

1:1 coaching is a 4-month intensive program with bi-weekly live coaching sessions, unlimited email support and unlimited Voxer support.

+ Do you have payment plans available?

Yes, we can discuss different payment options on our clarity call!


 Alright, you’ve scrolled to the bottom of the page now, so what exactly are you waiting for?

I know you’re ready, so let’s get to confidence-building, reprioritizing, redesigning, and living your best life!