embracing your multi-dimensional self

& stepping into your power


The Ultimate “Get Your Shit Together Course” You’ve Been Needing


Full Package Womxn is the ULTIMATE “Get your shit together” course designed specifically for you to build a strong foundation in these core areas of your life:




Physical Healthy

We dive deep into the core of our being to lay a strong foundation for confidence that stays.

If you are currently struggling with creating a strong foundation for life events, I want you to know, I get it. I’ve been there, and I want you to know there is a way to creating this sense of security in your life (and self), and that this program and I have your back. The methods taught in Full Package Womxn have been proven to shift the lives of women to guide them to step into their power.

You will absolutely undergo a transformation in this program if you are ready and willing to commit to yourself. Full Package Womxn will take your finances, business, mindset, and confidence to the next level, and the tools provided to empower you will ensure that your new lifestyle is here to stay.

Here’s what you’ll walk away from this group coaching program with…

  • A daily care routine that is both self care and allows her to get her mindset right for the day

  • A financial plan in place to save, know how to set goals, and create a plan for these goals, and most importantly feel confident with her finances

  • Find balance in her life for the things she needs AND wants to do by prioritizing, and incorporating discipline 

  • Understand how to meditate, and be empowered to become aware of herself and others

  • Be able to take her business to the next level by prioritizing. You’ll know how to delegate, great programs and systems to take advantage of, how to show up, and how to understand your ICA

  • Take your physical health to the next level by finding movement that you and your body love, learning how to nourish yourself sustainably

  • Understand how to present, think, and speak about yourself in a way that is confident and self-serving

  • Have security that you have it together in important aspects of your life


Are you ready to get your sh*t together?


Imagine …

👠Walking into a room, down the street, into the gym, or anywhere else, feeling like the BADASS that you are

👠Feeling at ease with yourself, because you know actually know what you’re doing with your life (professional, finances, health, and mindset)

👠Finally understanding finances, setting goals, and creating a plan to manifest more wealth

👠Fully embracing and being who you authentically are, unapologetically

👠Getting “unstuck” from that spot in your business and finally moving the needle forward

👠Feeling secure in yourself, and truly “not needing a man to complete” you. #allyourducksinarow

👠Looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing how beautiful you are, KNOWING & LOVING yourself fully

 I’m here to help you cultivate a rock-solid foundation that leads to unshakeable confidence in your life.

Here’s what you can expect from each Module

Module 1: Mindset Shift


Before we begin doing the physical work on getting your sh*t together, we have to start where everything starts - in the mind. This module focuses on:

  • Where you are mentally and emotionally,

  • The “why” behind those feelings,

  • Where you want to be &

  • Ultimately how to shift your thought process into one that serves you, rather than hinders you


Module 2: Physical Health

The first action module we complete is that of physical health. In this module, you’ll learn how to get your health in check, find a physical activity you love (because if you love it, you’ll stick with it!), and we’ll have a Personal Training 1:1 Session. As a NASM certified personal trainer, I’ll use my expertise to each you:

  • The importance of physical health

  • The fundamentals of exercise (frequency, recovery, programming)

  • How to eat for your goals (what macros are and how to calculate them!)


Module 3: Get Your Business Off the Ground

The second action module is all about finally getting your business off the ground. Here, you will:

  • Discover your business purpose & idea

  • Understand your “Why” and create a business mission behind it

  • Learn how to design your signature services

  • Find & attract your ideal clients

  • Design a Squarespace Website


Module 4: Understand Your Money

This module is going to break through the stigma of “ickiness” around money, to help you transform your bank account and money mindset. In this module you’ll learn:

  • The Basics of Investing (aka What a 401k, Roth, and IRA are)

  • How you can start investing, like NOW

  • Understand your money and creating budgets

  • Setting financial goals and creating a plan to achieve those goals


Module 5: Balancing it All Together


Now that you know the pieces of how to get your shit together, it’s time to put it all into one cohesive plan! This module is all about helping you:

  • Prioritize

  • Implement Self Care

  • Say “No” to things that are not for you

  • Create balance in your life


Module 6: Group Journaling Session


I know life gets pretty dang busy sometimes, and even though you want and need to find time to journal, you just can’t.

For our final live session, we will have a live group journaling session via Zoom. Journal prompts will be provided, and we will spend about 30 minutes just journaling, followed by a final Q&A session before we wrap up our group coaching program!

If you like numbers…



Degree Transformation in your Confidence AND your Life



Weeks of Support:

5 Live Modules + Live Journaling



Facebook Group Access



Bonus Modules:

Self-Awareness & Confidence


Meet Your Coach

Hi! My name is Cassandra Kilkenny, women’s empowerment coach, helping women step into their power through balance, discipline, and confidence.

5 years ago I underwent a transformation that changed my life - I went from feeling like a nobody, to feeling like a #bossbabe every time I stepped into a room. Did it happen overnight? Hell no. With years of work, experimenting, and trying to understand and learn about myself, I was able to feel the most empowered I’ve ever felt.

Now, I teach women how to step into the most empowered versions of themselves and boost confidence so that it stays. Using my experiences, I teach what worked and what I wish I knew when I was undergoing my own journey to self-confidence.

Self-Confidence begins with understanding who you are and why, and I pride myself in the framework of “embrace, embody, empower” to help you understand who you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.

While my own journey of self-confidence took place in the gym, I realized it’s not about “where” or “how” you find confidence - it’s about starting, and committing to yourself to the journey, so that you can ultimately feel like the CONFIDENT woman that we both know you are.

6 Live Group Coaching Calls ($3,000 VALUE)


5 Content Modules taught LIVE with Q&A, 1 Group Journaling Session


2 Bonus Modules ($800 Value)


Access to 2 pre-recorded bonus modules: Self Awareness & Confidence


24/7 Access to Exclusive Facebook Group ($2,000 VALUE)


You’ll join a group of powerful women who are not only ready to take their confidence to the next level, but to support and lift each other up. It’s pretty hard to put a price tag value on a bomb af support community, amirite?


1 Kindle Credit ($15 VALUE)


Reading is going to be included in the homework, but I didn’t want to leave you high and dry - use this Kindle Credit to purchase your book of choice off of the recommended supplemental reading list


Digital Daily Love Gratitude Journal ($20 VALUE)


Mindset shift is huge, and creating a mindset of gratitude is at the core. You’ll receive a the digital copy of the Daily Love gratitude journal to guide this shift in mindset


Philanthropy (PRICELESS)


5% of your investment will go to either the Malala Fund or Girl Rising to support the opportunity for education for women around the world. #empoweredwomenempowerwomen


 Are you a VIP?

As a VIP you’ll receive all of the perks above PLUS:


🌟1:1 Session with Me - Sometimes you just need a little extra support and I’m here for you ($500 Value)

🌟Unlimited Email Support - Reach out to me any time during our 6 weeks together ($2,250 Value)

🌟2 Kindle Credits - Because I know you’re probably going to want to read more than one of those recommended books ($40 Value)

🌟Physical copy of Daily Love or Daily Virtue journal ($20 Value)

🌟VIP Group Voxer Support ($2,250 Value)


Post-Program Vibes: “Boss Bitch” in the background with a slow-mo hair flip and walk. Yes just like the movies, because you are the star of your own show, baby!



Full Package Womxn Standard

💞6 Weeks of Support (5 Modules taught LIVE with Q&A, 1 Group Journaling Session)⁣

💞Kindle Credit to purchase recommended supplemental book as part of our curriculum⁣⁣

💞Exclusive Facebook community, a safe space for us to share our stories, struggles, and most importantly, BREAKTHROUGHS!⁣

💞Digital Version of Daily Love gratitude journal

💞2 Bonus Modules on Boosting Self-Awareness ⁣and Confidence


Valued at $5,835 but you receive it for only…


Payment Plan Available


Full Package Womxn VIP

🌟6 Weeks of Support (5 Modules taught LIVE with Q&A, 1 Group Journaling Session)⁣

🌟Kindle Credit to purchase recommended supplemental book as part of our curriculum⁣

🌟Exclusive Facebook community, a safe space for us to share our stories, struggles, and most importantly, BREAKTHROUGHS!⁣

🌟Digital Version of Daily Love gratitude journal⁣

🌟2 Bonus Modules on Boosting Self-Awareness ⁣and Confidence


🌟1:1 Session with me⁣

🌟VIP Group Voxer Support

🌟2 Kindle Credits for supplemental books⁣

🌟Physical copy of Daily Love or Daily Virtue journal

🌟Unlimited Email Support

Valued at $10,895 but you receive it for only…


Payment Plan Available