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Spa Day or Day Off

If you can't remember the last time you had a day off, maybe it's time to take one. And I don't mean a day off that you spend running around doing errands and "getting things done." It's time a for a day off where you do whatever the heck you want - whether that's a full-blown spa day (at home or an actual spa), or just lounging around in bed all day watching Netflix. It's important to give yourself a day to decompress from life, so feel more ready to face what's to come when it's time to get back to work.


Wait! Before you go…

Grab your copy of the Daily Love Gratitude Journal!

Journaling is another awesome way to relieve stress and get thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. If you need a little bit of guidance with daily journaling, check out my Daily Love gratitude journal to help you write:

  • Gratitude

  • Affirmations

  • Manifestations

  • Daily Positives

  • Self Care Accountability (even if that's just finding a few minutes to journal)

  • Daily Reflections

Give yourself a few minutes today to release your mind, I promise you'll feel immensely lighter.


$19.99 on Amazon

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