The Airplane Analogy

There’s no doubt that traveling is the most amazing things you can do - the feeling when the plane lifts off the ground and you officially begin your journey to the next destination is exhilarating.

But did you know your entrepreneurial journey is very similar to taking off in an airplane? I created the Airplane Analogy as a way to illustrate what it takes for your journey to really “take off” (pun completely intended), as you strive to create the life and business of your dreams.

Imagine an airplane sitting at the edge of the runway.

Desired Destination: The Sky

Current Location: The Ground

Current Speed: 0 MPH


In order to get from your current location into the sky, you have to put your foot on the gas and accelerate, and eventually with enough intention, acceleration, and speed, you naturally, MUST LIFT OFF. It’s just science.

Now let’s replace this analogy with YOU.

Your current state is your current location, but you know you have a dream - your dream destination is the sky, and you can see your dream down the runway, but you have to find a way to get the plane off the ground to get to where you want to be.

The moment you begin to push on the gas by:

  • Investing in yourself

  • Focusing on Mindset

  • Shifting on Mindset

  • Taking aligned action in your business

...You naturally gain traction - you begin to accelerate, and the plane goes faster and faster down the runway until you hit the critical speed needed for your plane to rise off the ground. The most amazing thing is, as long as you keep your foot on the gas and keep up the momentum, the airplane of your dreams can ONLY continue to rise.

Now let’s take this analogy one step further: 

The only reason airplanes are able to fly, is because of their wings. With enough speed, it is because of the existence, size, and stability of those wings that allows the airplane, a massive (in size and weight) object to lift off the ground. Wings are the catalyst for flight.

The airplane that is your dreams but you cannot get off the ground without your wings. And what exactly are your wings? Your work ethic and mindset.

Work ethic & mindset are the wings of the airplane that is your dream.

You MUST have these two wings, the plane cannot fly with one wing, and your business, cannot exist without these two concepts interlinked. 

You see, even if you have the mindset, but no work ethic, the plane cannot fly.

If you have the work ethic, but lack the mindset, you still cannot get your dream off the ground (because you LITERALLY believe you cannot).

I see a lot of coaches ask which of the two is more important, and the further I am on my own journey, the harder I find to pick just one, because the reality is, they are equally important, in the same way wings of an airplane are designed equally. You cannot fly, you cannot succeed, you cannot rise, without BOTH.

So, no matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, make sure you are empowering yourself, your airplane, to go down the runway. Make sure you are working on things -  mindset and  intentional action - that allow your plane to go fast enough to get off the ground. Because once you’re off the ground, you can literally only go up from there!


Ready to up-level your life and finally get the plane off the ground? Book a free clarity call with me to see if 1:1 empowerment coaching is for you!


Be-Do-Have Mindset


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