Full Package Womxn: Who She Is & How You Can Embody Her

Have you ever heard someone say: “That girl is the full package”?

And wondered...what the heck does that even mean?! 

If I’m going to be honest with you, the more I say it to myself, the more I wonder if it is a low-key description of a woman who is the closest thing to perceived perfection. She has “everything” therefore she is the “full package.”

Instead of giving one definition of what a full package womxn is, I’m going to say that the definition of a full package womxn is actually subjective - your definition will be different from mine, and mine will be different from the person standing next to me. This is due in part to everyone’s different set of priorities, values, and morals.

However, that being said, I do believe that there are four core categories that once mastered (and I use that term verrryyy loosely, because it’s more like “have a handle on”) in a woman’s life, she has a strong foundation of trust within her life and herself, that contribute to the full package vibe.

These categories are mindset, finances, her professional life and/or business, and her physical health. Four topics should seem easy to get a hold of, right? Not always. Sometimes life happens or life gets the best of us and all of a sudden that call we needed to make, that doctor’s appointment we needed to schedule, the workout we wanted to do, all fall by the wayside because you know, life, and … what the heck is the difference between a Roth and a regular IRA? 

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A Full Package Womxn Takes Control Over 4 Categories in Her Life:


A woman who works on her mindset shines a light on herself and others - she becomes a bullsh*t spotter and focuses on harnessing the mental power she has to create the life she desires, and see that which she wants to see.


Can you imagine living a life where you actually know what’s going on with your finances? Crazy, I know. This category is crucial because it plays a massive role in our livelihood, and too often it’s put on the back-burner, whether out of denial (not wanting to see how much we actually have), or just plain ignorance (again, see question on IRA’s and let’s just throw in “I don’t even know how to invest”). Gaining control of your finances means facing them, setting goals, and taking action on said goals, to get you out of the hole and on track to where you want to be.

Business & Professional Life

This contributes to our livelihood, it’s how we “earn” money. “Earn” is in quotation marks because as I’ve learned, you have the ability to ask for and receive way more than you think. But that’s for another blog post. Having a handle on your professional life, whether it’s your corporate job or your business, big or small, creates a lot less stress and a much easier path for you to walk on when you know which direction you want to or have to go, to get to where you want to be. 

Physical Health

I wear my fitness freak medal proudly, and am certain that having a handle on your physical health is crucial to feeling, embodying, and embracing the full package womxn you are. Because here’s the thing, when you feel good, you think better, you focus better, your body operates and does its job better, and you have more energy to do the tasks you maybe would have burned out before getting to. Taking care of your physical health goes beyond the physical, it impacts your mindset and all following actions. Even if it’s just 10 or 20 or 30 minutes a day. Taking the time to care for the vessel that is your soul’s home on this Earth is going to allow you to do the things you physically want to do, and do it better.

I 100% every woman, shoot, person, should have a handle on these four areas of their life, because awareness of these topics will lead to a sense of security in oneself. This sense of security leads to confidence, and who doesn’t want that?!

So how exactly do you become this woman? I’ve given four categories to invest your time in, but how do you actually go about becoming this full package womxn?

You embrace your authentic self

Who are you when you remove the mask every night?

What do you actually want out of your life? [NOT what you were taught to want]

What do you actually like?

What do you actually dislike?

What do you know? Not know?

How do you want to live your life?

How do you feel now, and how do you want to feel? Is there discrepancy? Why?

Asking these questions is going to help you figure who you are, and then it’s just about aligning your action with these answers so you can embody who you are, truly. While I stand behind the 4 categories that every woman should have a handle on, I do also make one final statement, or list of statements as that seems to be the theme of this blog post, about who exactly a full package womxn is:

  • A full package womxn stands in her power

  • A full package womxn owns who she is

  • A full package womxn has a handle on herself and her environment

  • A full package womxn is aware of what’s going on in her life, and chooses to be in control of it

A full package womxn is who YOU determine her to be, and you embody her by embracing your authentic self.

Need some help digging into your authentic self? Check out my Daily Love gratitude journal on Amazon! There’s space for you to share gratitude, write how you’re feeling, express daily positivity, and hold yourself accountable to self care!


4 Ways You Can Get it Together in Your Life Today