4 Ways You Can Get it Together in Your Life Today

Ahh, the ever-elusive “having it together” feeling.

Do you ever just feel like “I WISH I could get it together,” whatever that means to you? Whether that’s having your finances in order, finally ordering all those things you are running out of (I have shameless placed 4 orders from Amazon Prime in one day because I forgot items in each order and didn’t want to run to the store because #quarantine), finally taking some time for self-care because you can’t remember the last time you did, or just making it to the gym.

While everyone is going to have a different version of what having it together looks like, I think we can all agree that there are certain components that are constant contributors to feeling like we are in a good place mentally and physically, and have it “together.” From my experience, these four categories tend to be our finances, our physical health, an empty inbox (which is just a symbol of having our business sh*t together), and self-care. Sure there are wayyyy more things and actions that go into this feeling, but I do believe they tend to fall into these four categories. So, if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, here are four things you can do today to get your shit together and sleep knowing you’ve taken care of yourself today.

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4 Things You Can Do Today to Get Your Sh*t Together:⁣⁠

1️⃣ Understand your Finances

How much money do you have? Do you know when your bills are due? Do you know how much you spend? Do you know where every dollar goes?⁣⁠ 

Sometimes life gets crazy, and one minute we have $1,000 in the bank account and all of a sudden after we’ve paid bills and bought groceries, and oooh is that top on sale? and suddenly there’s only $250 in the account. Sure “I paid the bills and bought groceries,” but are you actually aware of every dollar you spend? Are you aware of every bill that you pay? In this day and age, it’s easy to get with at least another $100 - $200 in bills on top of what you receive in the mail, because they auto-draw from your bank account. Ghost money, I tell ya. My point is, check in today, are you where you should be? If you’re doing the math in your head based on each person, does your final number match what’s available? Sometimes I calculate “guestimate” where I should be at, and am WAY off because there was something I forgot about or didn’t anticipate. Just check your bank account today and make sure everything lines up.


2️⃣ Move Your Body

Get in a workout, and get some blood pumping throughout your body. It’s a great way to feel rejuvenated, and have clarity in your mind. Also, did you know exercise actually stimulates brain cell growth? (I actually wrote a paper about it in college). And let’s be honest, we all feel so accomplished after leaving the gym. Even if it’s just a 20 minute walk, body and brain will be happy and clear. [insert “Fitness is a lifestyle meme” here, or something like that]


3️⃣ Get your Business Ducks in a Row

Is your website up to date? Have you checked in with your client(s) today? Did you complete the tasks you set the intention to do today?⁣⁠ Is your inbox completely overflowed with emails? 

Having our business organized makes our day-to-day and week-to-week so easy. It is so relieving to know where everything is and that everything is up to date and working properly. If there’s been that one small nagging thing you know you need to update, do it today and check it off the box so you don’t have to think about it anymore.


4️⃣ Check in with Yourself

How is your head? Are you in a good space mentally and emotionally? Have you given yourself a moment of pure silence and peace with meditation? If you have something that’s bothering you, have you taken the time to work on it?⁣⁠

Taking time to meditate or journal is a great way to really break through mental cloudiness. Writing down how you’re feeling, how the day went, what you’re frustrated with and what you want to celebrate is therapeutic. And meditation - imagine giving yourself a few moments of utter peace and quiet, where you can simply be and breathe, and not think about anyone or anything else. If you’re type A like me, this sounds extremely difficult. But it can be as easy as setting your timer for 1 minute, closing your eyes, and taking a few deep breaths. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it, and the calm that accompanies this type of self-care is completely unparalleled.


Of course, you could choose not to do any of it, but I 10/10 would not recommend that. Even if you are selective and choose 1 or 2 items from the last above, I truly believe that it will help you feel more put together, and once you begin to feel that way, it becomes a pleasure you want to chase. Having it together offers a sense of security and that security leads to confidence. But that’s a post for another time 😊

If you need help getting it together on a daily basis, check out my Daily Virtue Productivity Journal on Amazon! There’s space for you to list your priorities, tasks, appointments, keep track of your water, workouts and meals, AND write what you’re grateful for! Click the button below to check it out on Amazon!


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