Black Friday Business Hack: Invest Now!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year - for your business too!

Ahhh the holiday season - the time for gift-giving, shopping online and in-person (though more likely the former this year), and … investing in your business? 

While I am a huge proponent of always investing in yourself and your business, I also understand what it’s like to have X number of dollars in your biz bank account that can make investment seem daunting and nearly impossible. You want to do it, but you literally have to decide between paying the biz bills, or investing a few hundred or thousand dollars into whatever it is you want and need for your biz (and you!) to grow.

Well I’m here today with an amazing business investment hack - and perfect timing too. Two words:

Black. Friday.


You see, you might associate Black Friday with hoards of people trampling over each other through Walmart to grab...hand towels...but really, it’s probably the best time to invest in your business, especially if you’re on a budget. During this time, many coaches have discounts and sales on their programs. But sometimes we are too caught up in the Black Friday sale at Lululemon and Anthropologie, we don’t even consider that we can save on our business investments!

Last year, I invested in my business - I purchased a membership for Haute Stock with their Black Friday discount, and let me tell you, as a former web designer and now coach and creative, best. investment. ever. I also purchased a ticket to an event that I’d been dying to go to (granted, it got cancelled because it was supposed to be in Miami but then, you know, COVID). I saved hundreds of dollars and finally got my hands on tools that have helped me immensely.

But all in all, keep an eye on those programs, services, products, and events that you’ve been dying to get your hands on. There’s a good chance they will be available for a lower price during Black Friday. And then you’ll be able to finally invest in that program you’ve been wanting to do! Oh, and you don’t have to worry about long lines and getting trampled here. Talk about #chic shopping amirite? Not to mention, you get to support amazing small businesses (or not!) even more, and your dollar goes further in your community when you do invest in small businesses! Win win win!

As I liked to say last year “Merry Christmas to me and Cassandra Kilkenny LLC!” Happy Shopping!

By the way, if you are interested in getting a Haute Stock membership for some fire styled stock photos and beautiful Canva templates, Christmas is early for you. I’m an affiliate for them (because I’m obsessed), and if you click the link below you’ll be able to save 30% on your membership!


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