How to Write a Transformative Program Outline

So you want to create a program that transforms the life of your ideal client, but have no idea where to start? Girl, I’ve got you!

I know it can be confusing - you’ve got an amazing idea, but you aren’t sure where to start. You know the transformation but you’re not quite sure every single detail that goes into this creation (or more accurately culmination) process. 

In this blog post, I’ll write about the key elements you need to have in your planning process, and even better, I’ve included my Signature Transformative Program Outline for you at the bottom so you have a step-by-step guide to create your transformative program!

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Element 1: What is the transformation that your program guides through?

The answer to this question is best to be written as a bold statement. If you need a guide, feel free to use this one:
[PROGRAM NAME]  is a group coaching program designed to facilitate the transformation of a [IDEAL CLIENT] struggling with [STRUGGLE]  to finally [TRANSFORMATION].

Element 2: Understand Your Ideal Client

This is the most important part of creating your program. Understanding every aspect of your ideal client makes or breaks the launch of your program, because you speak directly to him or her in a way that hits them right in the soul. Understanding allows your client to say “oh my gosh it’s like she’s in my head.” 

Get comfortable, it’s time to  get to know your ideal client. Who is s/he? What does s/he do? There are so many important questions to ask some of which include:

  • Name 

  • City of Residence

  • Hobbies

  • Income

  • Current Job:

  • Dream Vacation

  • Calling

  • His/Her ideal day

  • Current Obsession

  • Social Media Platforms Used

  • Time of Day on Social Media

Element 3: Program Outline

This is where we get into the meat and bones of the process - in these steps of the process, you’ll want to make sure you:

Plan out your warm up

What exactly is a warm up phase though? This is the phase of your launch and program creation process where you are preparing your ideal client to be ready for your offer when you launch it. Of course, there aren’t any rules to business, but it’s a great guide to follow because it heats up your audience to prepare them to buy from you. During this time, it’s important to have some kind of free value tool - this could include:

  • Mini IGTV Training

  • PDF

  • Free Masterclass held via Facebook or Zoom

  • Hash out the details of your program

Here, you’ll want to iron out the details of your program - this should look like planning out:

  • What exactly is included in the program

  • How many program options (upsells & downsells) you’ll have

  • Pricing

  • The number of modules 

  • Outline modules

That’s the gist of it! To really get into the nitty gritty, make sure you click below to gain access to the Transformative Program Outline!

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Grab your copy of the Transformative Program Outline here - completely free!


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