Domain Name Money Hack

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Imagine: You want to build a website - you’re not quite sure how that’s going to happen (whether you’ll outsource or DIY), but you know exactly what you want your domain to be. So you go on to Bluehost (or GoDaddy, or some other hosting provider) and buy a domain for $400.

“Is that a good deal?” 

“I guess so, might as well...”

Honey, please no.

What if I told you that you could buy a domain for a fraction of the cost on Squarespace? Here’s the deal, when you buy a domain from a site like Bluehost or GoDaddy, there is a huge mark up. At one point, it was all the rage to buy domain names and sell them back at crazy high costs to make a profit. 

If you open a Squarespace trial account, you literally have the capability to check if your domain name is available, and if it is, it’s usually only $20 or so.

Not only that, but say you decide to actually hire out a web designer, and use the Squarespace platform, when you hire a Squarespace Circle Member (such as yours truly!), you’ll actually receive a FREE domain for your first year, and 20% off your website for the first year. 

Also, if you are looking to hire a Squarespace Circle Member, look for one of these little graphics:


You could literally save a few hundred dollars, I promise you!

Need help with your Squarespace site? Or have questions about web design for your business? Book a free consultation call with me!


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