How to Give Your Website a Seasonal Switch Up

3 Tips to Spice Up Your Website this Season

As we begin our transition from the Summer season into Fall, it may not be a bad idea to give your website a little seasonal shift as we enter the holiday season. Yes, I said that. Just like with any business, giving your website a little seasonal shift can be a fun and lighthearted way to continue building a relationship with your clientele and website visitors.

Here are 3 ways you can give your website a seasonal facelift:

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  1. Do a fresh-themed business photoshoot. These photos do not have to be super fall-y, and they can still be within your branding style, just a little different. Doing a different styled photo shoot actually benefits you beyond your website, in fact I’d probably recommend a bi-annual photoshoot to always have fresh content – you can use them for the temporary (or long-term) re-theme or re-brand, or you can save them for later use as well such as for program and product designs.

  2. Grab some fresh styled stock photos - Styled stock photo companies are amazing at putting out fresh styled stock photos weekly and monthly. Some offer both paid and free monthly stock photo options sent right to your email, and it’s another great way to switch things up as well, as there’s always a seasonal theme as well. I highly recommend Haute Stock - their free monthly email amazing but their paid membership is even better. Check out the Haute Stock membership here (yes that’s an affiliate link but y’all know I’m only going to send you to the best!).

  3. Lighten the mood with some fresh copy - Spice up your copy by  *finally* hiring that copywriter you’ve been dying to work with, or throw in a few puns and seasonal jingles and jokes to continue building a strong relationship with your audience. You’re a human too, and this is a great way to remind them of that!

And that’s it! Have you ever considered giving your website a little seasonal face lift before? I encourage you to try it this season after all, if you’re celebrating, your ideal client may be too!


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