How to Boost Your Website’s Marketing

How frequently do you audit your website?

And by audit, you could even make it as simple as update it.

Do you just kind of add a new web page when you need to? Or do you go in on a weekly, or monthly basis to make updates to accurately reflect changes, updates, and pivots in your business?

As a web designer, I can’t tell you the number of websites that I’ve come across that are outdated - this can mean anything from information on the website to branding. Today, I want to pop in and talk about a few ways you can audit your website and boost its marketing capabilities so you can see more traffic, lead generation, and even new clients!

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Four Ways You Can Boost Your Site’s Marketing


This is a given - if your SEO isn’t updated (or even exist), how will people find you? And if people can’t find you, how is anyone supposed to read your blog or buy your product or service? Squarespace in particular makes SEO a breeze, you simply click the gear button to the right of the page on the Pages sidebar, select SEO and input a title and description of the page. Trust me, it helps immensely. 

Announcement Bar

This is such a great marketing tool to implement on your website that depending on my client’s needs, I will recommend the update from personal to business just for. The Announcement bar appears at the top of the web page when you pop in, and on every page following that you visit with a call to action for something urgent or new (or both!). This is a great way to grab a visitor’s attention to a new program, an update, an important message, something that you want your visitor to see. To implement this, you’ll want to make sure you have a business plan, and then go into marketing, and select “announcement bar”. You’ll be able to customize what you write in the announcement bar, as well as the color, font, and font size.


Pop-ups are another fabulous marketing tool to implement onto your website. Pop ups are similar to the announcement bar, except that you literally cannot miss it because it..pops up on the page when the visitor arrives. Pop-ups are a great way to incentivize someone joining an email list with a promotional offer such as “Join the email list and enjoy 10% off your first order of ____!” Which, I’m sure you’ve been bombarded with on every e-commerce site whenever you try to online shop, but they do it because it works. It’s effective in converting leads into sales.

Email List Sign Up

Having an email list is CRUCIAL to lead generation. One of the whole purposes of having a website, is because it allows you to have a space on the internet where you own everything. But equally important is the ability to generate leads for your business! Pop-ups are great at incentivizing leads via some kind of offer, but keeping an email list sign up “Join our newsletter to receive the latest fashion trends and sales!” in the footer of your website so that appears on every page, is a great way to draw in potential customers. That’s because what you say in your description of your newsletter or email list (such as the example above) incentivizes your visitor to hear from you frequently about what you offer, giving you a higher chance of eventually converting them into a paying customer.  However, what makes this different from the pop-ups above, is that this invitation lies low key on every. single. page. Whereas the pop-up typically appears only on the first page, and there’s always the chance that the visitor clicks “X” instead of taking advantage of what’s being offered.

The Shameless Plug - Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest

This one is pretty much a given, and yet so often overlooked. If you have a business - service or product - and you aren’t sharing your website or sharing that you have a business, how are people going to buy from you?! There are three great places to share your website:

  1. Facebook - encourage your friends and family to check out your business. At the very least, your website. This will boost traffic and help your SEO with page views! Also, you never know who you might spark an idea in to later become a customer!

  2. Instagram - please, please put your website in your bio if you have one. This is such an easy way to show your following who you are, what you do, and most importantly, BUY from you. Not everyone wants to DM you to learn more. Many people want to learn more about you and what your business is about, but in a low-key way. Placing your website in your bio increases the number of people checking you out. Plus, it creates a great sense of authority in your business. 

  3. Pinterest - you neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to have a Pinterest for your business. It’s literally free lead generation. In addition to re-pinning, you want to make sure you’re posting your own content as well that, of course, links back to your website. When you create a pin, or if you use Tailwind for your Pinterest planning, you have the option to add in a URL link when you create it. Put your website in there. Even better, link them to a page that encourages some kind of call to action - such as joining your email list, or joining a free challenge, or checking out a free download (in exchange for an email so you still receive the lead!).

Clearly, there is a theme here - call to action. Just as you would ask for the sale, you want to invite people to check out your website. There are so many great ways to encourage people to check out your business, these are just a few marketing tools I highly recommend implementing!


If you want more Squarespace tips, sign up for my free 5-day squarespace email course below! I’ll walk you through exactly how to set up your website so you can generate and convert leads!


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