Start the New Year Right


How to set yourself up for a successful 2021

I am blown away that we are nearing the end of 2020, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also relieved (let’s just say “2020 has been a rollercoaster” would be the understatement of the century). As we come to the end of this tumultuous year, I wanted to pop in today to chat with you about how to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year.

I think there are important elements planning for a good year, that go beyond your typical new years resolutions. For example, all too often, in the fitness world, I heard people set goals for how much weight they want to lose. Except that they only purchase a gym membership, but don’t invest in some kind of plan in order to hold themselves accountable, know what they’re doing, and track progress. 


I’m not a huge resolutioner myself - I think if you want to achieve something, there’s no point in waiting for a new year - why not start before and revel in your success so far when the new year rolls around? But I get it, there’s pressure, everyone’s doing it (🙄) and you feel like you have to come up with some kind of answer for “What kind of new year’s resolutions do you have?”

But at the same time, I think there is some validity to the concept of setting goals for the new year - but I don’t opt for anything drastic - some resolutions I’ve had were:

  • Incorporate yoga 4x a month

  • Learn to meditate and meditate daily

  • Double my business’s net income

  • Read more books

Personally, I’ve found these goals to be totally achievable. I set trackers in place to make sure I’m holding myself accountable and I can proudly say I’ve been able to achieve all of them.

The goals that you set should be SMART (yup, we’re going there) - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. 

Specific - These goals should be specific to something in your life. Rather than saying “I’d like to earn more,” you could say “I’d like to double my income this year and hit X sales goal”

Measurable - Can you measure your goal? Using the example above, the latter allows you to measure your goal out so that you can identify when you’ve hit double and your X sales goal

Attainable - Is your goal attainable? Is your goal in the realm of possibility? Your goal should be challenging but not completely unattainable. This is where you’ll have to use discretion because I can’t tell you what is or isn’t possible for you, because I’m not you.

Realistic - It’s important to keep your goals realistic as well - if you’re in the beginning stages of your business, it may not be achievable to say “I’d like to hit a $100k month within three months” of starting your business (of course, it might depend on your industry because it could be possible, but usually it takes some time you know?). 

Time-Bound - When setting goals, I think it’s also important to break them down into specific time-frames - whether 1 month, 3 months or 6 months. This “shortens” time so that things seem more achievable. Plus - when you set a goal for a long time, humans have a tendency to procrastinate and take advantage of all the time they have as well. 1 month to write a paper? You’ll write it on day 30. 3 days to write a paper? You’ll write it in 3 days. Catching my gist?

I also think it’s important to set goals for different categories of your life. The goal of setting goals is to not only achieve them, but the achievement of these goals allows you to grow - whether personally, professionally, or financially. 

That’s why I created my signature 6 month success plan. The amazing features this success plan includes include:

  • Categorized goal setting 

  • Morning and evening goal setting

  • Goal tracking for accountability

  • Step-by-Step breakdowns of goals

  • Dateless calendar

  • Notes section

This success plan has it all - and best part of all, it’s undated so you can re-use it any time! To snag your copy, click the button below!

6 Mo SP 2.0 Mockup 1.png

6-Month Success Plan


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