Top 10 Books to Read in 2021

2020 could be described with a variety of colorful words…

but there is no doubt that despite its downfalls, we were gifted with the greatest resource of all - time. 

I was blessed to be in a safe position during quarantine as a single woman living at home with her family - I was able to work on my business, take nice walks, watch some good Netflix, and read. A lot. I read 28 books in 2020, accomplishing a goal I had set for myself to “read more” during the year. I do attribute this to reading on a daily basis, but most importantly, beyond finishing books, I felt my mind expand throughout the year across a variety of topics.

Now, before we dive into this list, I do want to include a disclaimer, these books were not published in 2020. I simply read them in 2020. But they are great books that I highly recommend to be read. They touch on a diverse range of topics from spirituality, to business, to personal development, but they all offer golden nuggets of information relative to everyday life.

open book with lights

Without further ado, let’s go ahead and get started! [Listed in no particular order]

Home Body - Rupi Kaur

Okay, this book actually was published in 2020. I am a fan of all of Rupi Kaur’s books. She has a way of really digging into your soul with her words. This book embraces the journey of growth, and Rupi walks you through her own journey which is gut-wrenching, emotional, and empowering to say the least.

Untamed - Glennon Doyle

While we are on the topic of empowerment, Untamed is a MUST. If you do, or have ever struggled with feeling smaller, or unworthy (which is an unfortunate reality and experience most women feel), this book not only validates how and why you feel what you do, but shows you the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Becoming - Michelle Obama

Another fabulously empowering story, Michelle Obama takes you through her childhood and adulthood - from meeting Barack, to her struggles with infertility and being the first black first lady, and living in a political world despite hating politics. It’s a fascinating book and gives the reader so much hope. 

Talking to Strangers - Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell always shares enlightening perspectives, and Talking to Strangers is no different. In this book, Gladwell illustrates the power (and differences!) in communication, why there is so often miscommunication amongst humans who even speak the same language, more specifically how we do harm by misunderstanding one another.

The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy

This is a fabulous book on building financial wealth and success. The great part is, the book doesn’t only talk about money, but it recommends a lot of great habits, routines, and mindset shifts that are applicable to creating a better life for yourself.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T Harv Ecker

By far one of my favorite books, this book goes into detail about the mindset behind becoming a millionaire. I still use some of the practices noted and discussed throughout the book. Essentially, Ecker delineates that being a millionaire goes beyond the bank account, and that there is a massive mindset shift that must occur before you get there.

Why She Buys - Bridget Brennan

This book completely changed the game for me when it comes to sales. Sales training and business school is all masculinely taught, except that women are the driving consumer. This book explains how you can tailor your business’s approach to sales and marketing to women so your business can thrive.

The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

Gay Hendrick’s talks about the concept of your Zone of Genius - aka the area that is your specialty, and the importance of staying in this zone rather than spending your time in other things that are, well, not your zone of genius. #Delegation anyone?

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson 

Personally, I don’t struggle with caring about what others think of me, but I do think this book is a MUST read for everyone (because I think we all do care sometimes). This book is a great reminder that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and it’s important to NOT care about those assholes. I mean, opinions. 

The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein

This book was a complete game-changer for me when it comes to spirituality. It showed me that being spiritual is not related to religion, and that the Universe really does have your back. Bernstein also has great tips on meditation if that is something you ever have, or do struggle with (as yours truly did!)


Well, those are my top recommendations! Have you read any of these books? What’s next on your list?

Also, if you’re feeling ready to check out one of these books, feel free to click below to check out my shop to purchase your copy of one of these life-changing books!


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