Resolutions, Goals, and Intentions - What’s the Difference?

Words are powerful entities. What you say is a reflection of who you are, what you desire, and has the power to bring about massive change.

As we are still in the throes of the new year, social media and live conversations are buzzing about with the excitement of a fresh start. During this time, you’ll often hear people talk about the classic “New Year’s Resolutions”, or goals, or intentions, or as the latest trend has been, one-words to describe the year. 

And now, you’ll hear people say “I don’t set resolutions, but I do set goals” (erm, that might be me), but do you actually know what the difference is between all of these terms? Let’s break down the difference!


Resolutions: Decisions

Resolutions are a decision to change, alter, or shift a habit. This can mean creating new ones or changing existing routines or lifestyles. Classic resolution examples might include getting fit, losing weight, or doing yoga every day. This seems to apply (based on observation) to the actual action of something, but might be less results-oriented (unless it’s to lose weight...but that leads me to goals below…) than goals. 

Example: She maintained her resolution to meditate every day. (She maintained her decision to meditate every day)

Goals - Destination-Oriented

Goals are specific results that you want to achieve, a destination to get to, if you will. This could be something you want to change (so it is similar to resolutions in that way), but it’s more about accomplishing something with a “finality” to it, if you will. Goals are recommended to be set using the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Oriented), and typically span a length of time before they are completed.

Example: My goal is to run a 5k in 21 minutes 

Intentions - Deeper, Daily, Self-Connection

Intentions are focused on the present - present moment, present day. It’s about being mindful with every thought and action that you have/take in order to achieve a state of mind or result. Intentions are more internally focused, specifically developing a relationship with yourself or something of yours, and are less goal/results oriented.

Example: I am setting the intention to cultivate my community to expand my business’s impact.

Have you set your goals, intentions, or resolutions for 2021 yet? Or are you more of a new year same me kind of person? If you need a safe space to write out your intentions, check out the Daily Love gratitude journal! Daily Love is a self-published journal designed to transform your life through the power of gratitude, affirmations and manifestations, positive thinking, and space to clear your mind!


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