Balance is anticipation & prioritization, sprinkled with a little self care
The balance pillar helps the woman who is a workaholic (in any aspect - business, school, being a mother), take a step back and remember that she too, is a person, who needs to take care of herself in order to be the best version of herself. It is the reminder to empower herself by understanding that sh*t happens, to have grace with herself, and remind herself of the power she holds in her life.
Balance incorporates discipline through planning, prioritizing, and scheduling time for the daily, weekly, monthly and annual tasks to keep life running as smooth as possible including making time for herself with self-care.
That being said - if you are pursuing to be the best in something or to start a business or pursue a specific goal that requires a lot of work, there might not be *a lot* of balance in your life, and this is not only normal but should be anticipated. However, even in these times - it's important to incorporate a form of self-care into each day, even if it is a 3-minute meditation, short walk or therapy session (for those moments of doubt and exhaustion that are inevitable).
So as an empowerment coach, I help this woman prevent (or at least prolong the time before) burnout.
EXPLORE: || Self-Care Quiz || Daily Love & Daily Virtue Journals || Journal Prompts || Books to Inspire ||

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Journals to Empower You
Daily Love
Daily Love is a 3-month daily gratitude journal designed to transform your life by helping you find balance and peace in your life.
With space for gratitude, affirmations, manifestations, positivity and self care accountability, you can shift your mindset into one of gratitude to attract a higher-vibe life. The reflection page is designed for you to take a mental breath each moment to write anything you desire - about your day, your feelings, or your deepest desires.
This 6x9 book was created with a flat-lay spread so you can fully view and maximize each day, and is small enough for you to carry with you anywhere and everywhere.
Daily Virtue
Daily Virtue is a 6-month daily habit tracking journal designed to transform your life and help you “get it together” by setting goals, planning and organizing your day, and reflecting on achievements. This guided journal is the perfect carry-anywhere size at 6x9, with a matte blue cover. It contains:
Personal, Professional & Financial Goal Setting
Monthly Budgeting
Monthly Reflections & Goal Setting
6 Undated Monthly Calendars
Daily Planning Tools
Daily Gratitude & Self Care Accountability
Meal Planning
Workout & Water Tracking

Need help getting the creative juices flowing in your journal?
Download 33 Daily Journal Prompts for a month’s worth of journal prompts, and you’ll have those juices flowing in no time.

Hey beautiful, I see the power and strength in you. If you have trouble seeing what I know already exists within you, let’s work together to help you step into your power, confidently.
Click below to schedule a clarity call.
Your higher self is waiting for you.