4 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

4 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

There are so many ways to approach imposter syndrome. But most importantly I want you to know that it’s totally normal, and it will eventually dissipate with time and experience. Here are four tips to help you overcome imposter syndrome.

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Squarespace 7.1  Design Backend Guide
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

Squarespace 7.1 Design Backend Guide

One of the biggest changes that came to Squarespace with the launch of 7.1 was the revamp of the design backend. Squarespace did away with the “Click-and-style” option and instead broke down the design process into different categories. Here's a breakdown of how to navigate through the new Squarespace 7.1 design backend!

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The 4 Best Features of Squarespace 7.1
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

The 4 Best Features of Squarespace 7.1

Squarespace’s launch of 7.1 was one of the most innovative versions of the platform to date. There were a ton of updates and changes made and in my opinion the four best features include a one-template family, categorized design backend, a new portfolio page, and the replacement of index pages with live page add-ins and previews.

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What You Need to Know about Squarespace 7.1
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

What You Need to Know about Squarespace 7.1

In January of 2020 Squarespace officially released their 7.1 version. Some of the most notable changes are in templates, the back-end user interface, design capabilities, and the removal of previous features such as gallery content blocks and parallax scrolling. Check out this blog post to get the latest update on what to expect with 7.1.

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3 Ways Styled Stock Photos Boost Your Biz
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

3 Ways Styled Stock Photos Boost Your Biz

Let’s be real - we’ve all come across those websites that have pictures that juuuuust aren’t quite right. Here are three things you create when you incorporate styled stock photos into your business and my favorite resources for to use!

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Everything You Need to Work with a Web Designer
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

Everything You Need to Work with a Web Designer

Feeling stuck on knowing what you need to do to work with a web designer? Or maybe you're just stuck on what it means exactly to have all of your content prepared. Here's a comprehensive list of everything you need to prepare content to work with your web designer.

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5 Reasons to Invest in a New Website Design
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

5 Reasons to Invest in a New Website Design

If you've found that you've outgrown your current website - whether it's a personal or business reason, here are five reasons you should invest in a new website design and web designer to save you time and hassle, so you can keep making money.

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How to Create Multiple Bit.ly Links for One URL
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

How to Create Multiple Bit.ly Links for One URL

This blog post reviews how to set up a shortened, customized link on Bit.ly, the perks of using Bit.ly, and how to create multiple bit.ly links for one URL to track traffic clicks from different sources.

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No Sidebar? No Problem!
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

No Sidebar? No Problem!

No side bar? No problem! If you're a blogger, a sidebar is key to your website. Squarespace has some great templates with sidebars included as a feature, but if the template you love doesn't have one, here's how to create a fake side bar on your Squarespace site!

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Squarespace SEO 101
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

Squarespace SEO 101

We all know search engine optimization (SEO) is a must for a successful website, but if you aren't tech savvy and are tearing your hair out about how to SEO your Squarespace site, you're in luck. SEO 101 gives you 5 things you can do now to optimize your Squarespace site and see results! This blog post is updated to include Squarespace 7.1 information.

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