How Meditation Skyrocketed My Sales Performance (And Can For You Too)
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

How Meditation Skyrocketed My Sales Performance (And Can For You Too)

Before I pivoted my business into empowerment coaching, I was working a 9-5 as an account manager in sales for a large gym chain. I wasn’t bad at my job - I was good, but I could never quite get to the top of the list, I was always around the middle rank amongst my co-workers. By the time January ended, I was #1 in sales. I crushed it at work. February too. So what changed?

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How to Begin a Meditation Practice: My Journey with Meditation
Cassandra Kilkenny Cassandra Kilkenny

How to Begin a Meditation Practice: My Journey with Meditation

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that your interest has been piqued by meditation. You’ve either tried it (maybe more than once), and couldn’t quite “get it”, or maybe just felt unable to get yourself to sit down and be quiet, because there’s just so much to do! I get it, I’ve been there. I’m Type A, I’m a strong Capricorn (Literally almost everything in my chart is Capricorn except like three things), and I’m a proud hustler. I had tried yoga and meditation before and I never “got it.”

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